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License No: 1677/080/081

Higher Standard Recruitment Services


Team Spirit


Team Spirit


Corporate Committment


Corporate Committment


Nepalese Workers


Responsible Placement

We help to get your desired job positions in abroad. Don’t hesitate to contact us.

10 Minutes Free Consultation

Welcome To
Yusi International

Yusi International Services Pvt Ltd is a recruitment company in Nepal engaged in placing experienced and skilled employees in various Countries like Malaysia, Gulf and European countries.

This recruitment company has a primary focus on employment and assignment of incredibly dedicated industrial as well as non-technical workers for the manufacture, industrial, hotels, event management, Maintenance & Cleaning, Oil & Gas, and much more. We have a dedicated and skilled HR consultant who helps take your career up.

Brilliant Screening
Speciality Recruitment Service
with satisfaction
Experienced &
Professional team
Data Bank of

Reason for Choosing Our Yusi International

  • Quick Response
    Our team provides quick response for both Employer & Jobseeker via phone, email and whatsapp
  • Experienced
    Our team are highly experts in recruitment industries.
  • Hardworking and Disciplined
    Our staff and candidates both are Hardworking and Disciplined .

Request for Our
Free Consultation

Major Jobs & Industries we serve

We provide multiple job categories and some are listed herewith.

Our Basic Work Process

We have very easy and responsible placement in recruitent industry
01. Passport Collection

Document Preparation

After collecting Passports from differnet candidates, we prepare documentation.
02. Apply Visa

Visa Processing

If candidate is passed in an interview, QR and Medical is done and processed for visa.
03. Flight Confirmation


With successful visa received, FInal Approval and Ticketing is scheduled for deployment.